call for papers
AOTV 2019 Convening: Call for Papers, Presentations + Panels
On behalf of The Agora Culture (TAC), Art On The Vine (AOTV) is sponsoring a call for papers, presentations and panels relating to Black women in art and the spaces that they occupy.
The Committee welcomes papers on any related topic. Suggested topics may include:
Curatorial process and engagement;
Black women as culture workers and thought leaders in the art world
Challenges presented in regard to theme or vision
Entry into spaces that continue to marginalize or restrict movement
Authors of accepted papers may be invited to present their work as part of the 2019 Art On The Vine fair located on Martha’s Vineyard on Monday, August 12, 2019. In addition, the papers and presentations will be published (with author’s permission) on the AOTV Web Site after the Convening. Artists, curators, academics, social justice workers and all other applicable areas of service and study are encouraged to submit.
Call Paper Timetable:
Timely submission of the papers is critical to the success of the program. The procedures and timetable enumerated below will apply.
Deadline for Proposals
By 5PM, Saturday, June 8th applicants should submit a one to two page proposal for their papers, presentations, or panel ideas including the title, a short description of the topic(s) to be addressed, and the approach that will be taken. Proposals, along with authors’ contact information, should be submitted via e-mail to The Agora Culture at []. Please put "[2019 AOTV Convening]" in the subject line.Acceptance of Proposals
By Friday, June 14th, the Committee will make a decision on all proposals. The number of accepted proposals might be limited. The Committee will contact authors regarding their proposals.Monitoring Progress
A Committee member will be assigned to work with each author to monitor their progress and provide general feedback for completing the approved submission within the specified timelines. Interim drafts, based on a schedule proposed by the author, may be requested. By Monday, July 1st a finalized description (no more than 200 words) of the submission along with headshots and bios of all participating persons must be submitted for inclusion in all printed and digital fair collateral. These materials will be submitted to the assigned Committee member for review and comments.Presenting
All submissions will be presented in person on Monday, August 12th as part of 2019 AOTV Convening day activities. Authors are expected to present during their scheduled time.Papers and Presentations (Prepared running time 35-45 Minutes including audience questions)
Panels (Prepared running time 35-45 Minutes including audience questions)
As a presenter, invitations to exclusive fair-related activities will also be extended.
Please note travel and lodging will not be provided.
The Agora Culture looks forward to receiving proposals in response to the call, and is happy to respond to inquiries from interested parties.
Questions may be addressed to Risikat Okedeyi via e-mail at Your participation in this effort to produce new papers will contribute to the written body of knowledge for The Art On The Vine fair and success of the 2019 AOTV Convening.